Conference Number #63424
The 2024 8th International Conference on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE)
Plenary Speaker Presentation
Parallel Session Documentation
Presentation Template
Virtual (Zoom) Background
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Welcome Message
On behalf of the committee, we proudly announce you that Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta with our partner DTETI Universitas Gadjah Mada and Universitas Amikom Purwokerto is going to organize The 2024 8th International Conference on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE-2024) will be conducted as a hybrid conference (online) and onsite in Grand Keisha Yogyakarta from 29 th to 30 th August 2024.
The conference is organized jointly with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (DTETI UGM), Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta and Universitas Amikom Purwokerto.
The theme of this year’s ICITISEE is “Applying Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Enviromental Sustainability“. The conference will strengthen the collaboration and provide a forum for academia, professionals and researchers to discuss and exchange their research results, innovative ideas, and experiences to advance the field of Information Technology, Information Systems and Electronic Engineering in the modern world.
We all the committee would like to say welcome, and we hope this conference will give you valuable experience and a memorable stay in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
We respectfully invite you to submit your latest research paper to ICITISEE 2024
29-30 August 2024FLYER
The 2024 8th International Conference on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE) 2024 will be held on August 29th – 30th, 2024 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
ICITISEE 2024 aims to present research results and provide information on the research that has been done to the international world, to strengthen the cooperation between academia, professionals and researchers as well as with the industrial world, to discuss and exchange creative ideas and innovative ways to advance the field of Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering.
The conference will feature prominent keynote speakers who have a research focus in the field of Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering.
“Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.”
“Papers that are not presented will be excluded from inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.”
Plenary Speakers
Information Technology
- Multimedia; Computer Vision
- Data Mining; Decision Support Systems
- Computational Science and Processing
- Artificial Intelligence of Big Data
- Bioinformatics
- Cloud Computing
- Communication Network and Security
- Smart Cities
- Smart Manufacturing
- e-Health
- e-Government
- Mobile Applications
- Social Network Applications
- Agent Systems and Applications
- Databases and Data Security
- Large Scale Databases
- Deep Learning and Big Data
- New Data Standards
- Data Privacy and Securities
- New Computational Models for Big Data
- Object-Oriented Database Systems
- Natural Language Processing
Information System
- Business Intelligence
- e-Business
- Big Data Analytics
- Graph Analytics
- Real-time Big Data Analysis
- Data Models for Big and Smart Data
- Business Models for Big Data and Smart Data
- Semantic Web Applications
- Data and Information Quality
- Information Extraction
- Data Integration
- Conceptualization, Notation, and Ontologies
- Enterprise Modelling on Data and Information
- Data Management for Analytics
- Web Analytics
- Statistics Exploratory Data Analysis
- Data Modelling and Visualization
- Data Structures and Data Management
- City Data Management
- Deep Learning and Big Data
- Social Web Search and Mining
- Big Data as a Service
Electrical Engineering
- Components, Circuits, Device and Systems Field
- Wave and Electromagnetic
- Embedded Systems
- Photonics and Electro-Optics
- Grid Computing
- Scalable Self-Tuning Optimization
- Automated Data Cleansing
- Dynamic Networks
- Parallel Computing
- Distributed Computing
- Large-Scale Computing
- Cognitive Mobile Analytics
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Knowledge Rules of Machines
- Human-Like Artificial Intelligence
- Next-Generation Hardwares
- Social Machines
- New Chips for AI and Big Data
- Robotics
- 5G
- Strategic Data Communication Signal
- Internet of Things
Authors are invited to submit full paper (4-6 pages) in PDF format via EDAS. “Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements”.
- Paper must be using IEEE Paper format, to download IEEE Paper format template click here
- The final manuscript in PDF format must be converted to IEEE PDF Express, to convert (please use the Conference ID: 63424X
No Show Policy
“ONLY Accepted and Presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.”
“Papers that are not presented will be excluded from inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.”
Online registration along with the receipt of transferred fee, as an attachment Registration will be confirmed only when the registration fee (non-refundable) has been paid.
All refund or cancellation requests must be provided via email to (Subject: Cancellation ICITISEE 2022) and received by 20 October 2022. No refunds will be provided after this date. There will be an IDR 800,000 administrative fee deducted from each refund. Please note that author and/or additional paper registrations are non-refundable.
International Participants
Registration payments for international participants are made via EDAS using a credit card at an exchange rate of US dollars. Confirmation is automatic because it uses the EDAS system. If your payment is successful, the status will change to PAID. Please CLICK HERE
Domestic Participants
Registration Payment for Domestic Participants can be made by local bank transfer, with the following details:
Name of Bank: Bank Mandiri (PERSERO),
Account number: 137-0000-0257-71
To make it easier to check, please add the last 3 digits of your id paper to the registration fee.
Confirmation is manual, meaning you must inform and send proof of transfer at this link: CLICK HERE
Participant Caterogry | International | Domestic |
Student (IEEE Member) | $ 325 | IDR 3.000.000 |
Student (Regular/Non IEEE Member) | $ 350 | IDR 3.250.000 |
Profesional (IEEE Member) | $ 375 | IDR 3.500.000 |
Profesional (Regular/Non IEEE Member) | $ 400 | IDR 3.750.000 |
Extra Paper (2nd, 3rd paper, etc) | $ 275 | IDR 2.750.000 |
Attendee (without paper) | $ 125 | IDR 1.000.000 |
- To be eligible for the IEEE member rate you must be an IEEE Member, please provide your IEEE Member Card.
- To be eligible for the student rate you must provide your student ID/Letter of proof. The student must be the first author.
- Please contact the Person in Charge on the website for further inquiries about excess funds.
- Attendee (without papers) will get E-Certificate and E-Proceeding
Important Dates
29th – 30th August 2024Submission Type : Full Paper
Activity | Deadline | Extended |
Paper Submission | 31-July-24 | |
Acceptance Notification | 10-August-24 | |
Payment Registration | 15-Aug-24 | |
Final Manuscript (Camera Ready) | 20-Aug-24 |
Papers from the previous ICITISEE 2016 until 2023 have been published in IEEE Xplore and indexed in Scopus:
- 1st ICITISEE 2016 :
- 2nd ICITISEE 2017 :
- 3rd ICITISEE 2018 :
- 4th ICITISEE 2019 :
- ICITISEE 2020: Not held due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions
- 5th ICITISEE 2021 :
- 6th ICITISEE 2022 :
- 7th ICITISEE 2023 :
Author Information
In accordance with the Regulation of Minister of Law and Human Right of the Republic of Indonesia Number 26, 2013, citizen from 61 countries and 1 region are eligible for obtaining Visa on Arrival (VOA).
This visa can be obtained directly when you are landed at the certain airports and seaport in Indonesia regardless of the purpose of your visits (Business, Tourist, Social). The Visa on Arrival is not a work visa nor a visitation visa. Therefore, it can not be converted to obtain other immigration permits. The maximum stays permitted for the visa on arrival is 30 days. If you plan to stay longer than 30 days, you need to mention your intention to stay longer. Visa on Arrival can be extended for another 30 days.
The general requirements for Visa On Arrival are:
Expiration date of the applicant’s passport must be at least 6 (six) months at the date of entry. At least one blank visa page Round-trip airplane ticket Visa on Arrival fee (refer below)
The fees for Visa On Arrival are:
Visa for stay up to 7 (seven) days in several Special Economic Zones (SEZ)= US$ 15,-
Visa for stay up to 30 (thirty) days = US$ 35,-
Extension of stay for up to 30 (thirty) days = US$ 35,-
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